About Us

Hi! My name is Schyler, the founder of Wag Alley. I am a professional apparel designer and started Wag Alley because I was having a hard time finding a raincoat for my dog, Zeek, who wouldn’t go for a walk in the rain. I was looking for a raincoat that was non-noisy and non-synthetic but noticed there were very few options. Working in the apparel industry, I have a heightened sense of the damage the industry has done to our environment, especially with synthetic materials like polyester and nylon & their recycled counterparts. Thank you for supporting my small business and shopping earth-friendly items! ~Schyler

At Wag Alley, we have a passion for pets and our planet. While not all pets need apparel, we aim to create functional garments for our furiends who might need a little extra warmth or protection from the elements. Our goal is to offer you a solution to dress your pets that is functional, 100% plastic-free, and minimal waste.

Whether you love long hikes through the mountain terrain or a casual stroll in your neighborhood, we can all agree that the earth is a beautiful place and we would like it to remain that way. However, it seems ironic that we cover ourselves and our pets with plastic, a material that sticks around for ages and spreads toxins throughout the environment. Polyester & Nylon are a form of plastic and there are a few significant challenges that we want to address:

  1. In the United States, we throw away 10+ million tons of clothing each year - about 80lbs of clothing per person. The majority of that being polyester or nylon. Polyester and Nylon are both types of plastic derived from petroleum. Polyester and Nylon clothing takes decades, if not centuries, to decompose in a landfill and is harmful to the environment. 
  2. Not only does the polyester and nylon take centuries to decompose, during its lifetime in your home it sheds small fibers called microfibers or in this case microplastics with every wash. Which means these microplastics are in our water supply, oceans, and even floating around the air. If there are going to be fibers floating around the ocean, we would much rather them be natural fibers like cotton, linen, or hemp.

You can read more about microfibers/microplastics here: https://goodonyou.eco/what-to-do-about-microfibres/

Thank you for reading our mission and thank you for choosing a different solution for your pet apparel. We believe little steps in the right direction will eventually take us far.